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California Telemedicine Laws

Telemedicine in Medical Marijuana Card Evaluations

Do you want to know California’s Medical Marijuana Telemedicine Laws? California is among five states, the others being Maine, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut that don't require physical examinations to establish the necessary doctor-patient relationship. Healthcare professionals develop their patient relationships using telemedicine. They also prescribe substances that aren’t controlled-prescribing patients dangerous devices or drugs via telemedicine is only allowed after physical examinations are carried out. 

All healthcare professionals who are licensed under the Division 2 of Healing Arts Statute of California, for example, nurses, chiropractors, registered dietitians, physicians, dentists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists and licensed midwives may provide patients with telemedicine care. A patient is also eligible to get remote care, unless a healthcare provider deems it's inappropriate, upon getting informed consent. 

The telemedicine services that are allowed under California regulations include secure messaging and email,(store-and-forward fax), telephonic communications, remote patient monitoring RPM and real-time video conferencing. 

According to chapter 24, all medical practitioners that provide telemedicine services need first to obtain a patients’ verbal and informed consent or an oral one to start providing the service. 

All out of state medical professionals who intend to provide telemedicine services to patients who reside in the California State must obtain from the California Medical Board, a valid medical license. That’s before starting their service. However, exemptions apply when it comes to physician-to-physician P2P cases. 

Among the 16 States that have the informed consent policy in the United States, California is one of them. 


A new California law that established standards for physicians who write recommendations went into effect on January 1, 2016. Briefly, the law states that no one can prescribe, dispense, furnish or cause dangerous drugs or devices to be furnished, dispensed or prescribed over the Internet without the necessary initial examination.  Essentially, to start you should review the California medical marijuana card requirements.

It meant that the California medical marijuana laws weren't clear. The reason is that it could mean doctors couldn’t use telemedicine to prescribe medical cannabis. The laws could also say that that telemedicine recommendation could happen as long as the California state considered patient-doctor examinations appropriate. It means there could be changes to this law in the coming year. The result is that it could make it clear whether telemedicine will still be allowed in the State. 

Physicians offering telemedicine in California need to be licensed by the state and make sure that medical information belonging to patients remain private. They also need to ensure they carry out duties that relate to practicing whether its physical examinations or through telemedicine. 

California Medical Marijuana Telemedicine Laws: How to Use Telemedicine Services Online 

Patients who qualify to use medical marijuana can choose to see a doctor online, that’s for the first time in history. That’s for the purpose of obtaining a medical marijuana evaluation in California using the telemedicine services for medical marijuana. 


If you qualify for medical marijuana in California, you can choose to: 

See a marijuana doctor physically to get a California medical marijuana evaluation, OR, see an on demand marijuana physician or doctor online, through the telemedicine portal.


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